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Engineering Change Order Management

SimpleManufacturing™ ERP’s Engineering Change Order Management Module makes the definition and implementation of changes simple, thorough, and, where possible, automated.

Engineering Change Orders passed down from Customers regarding the product(s) manufactured and OEMs making changes to the Bill of Material are two changes that have a wide range of impact on organizations. Due to the variations of changes, many companies struggle to define the required modifications accurately and implement the changes accurately, thoroughly, and promptly.

SimpleManufacturing™ takes the difficulty out of processing and releasing changes.

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Summary of Features

Manage Change to Bill of Materials:

Thorough identification of Add, Delete, or Edit of the Line Item Changes

Thorough identification and disposition of impacted Sales Orders, Work Orders, Purchase Orders, and Inventory

Create and Manage all Action Items necessary to execute and implement changes

Create and Manage a set of Approvers for Each Change

Automatic execution of the changes to the items identified, which includes:

Sales Orders,

Work Orders,

Purchase Orders,

Inventory, and

Files linked to BOM.

Change Order Selection

This page provides an Easy Search for all In-Process, Approved, Completed, and Cancelled Change Orders.  Search Options include Consignment/Turnkey, ECO/Deviation, Part Number, and Item Part Numbers.

Quick Link to Create New Change Order.

Change Order Search Find Selection
Change Order Detail

Engineering Change Order (ECO) – BOM Change

This is the main page in the module for creating new Change Orders or editing existing Change Orders.

Quickly select the Bill of Material change, the proposed Revision, the Reason for Change, and the Change Details.  Choose from Add New Line Item, edit an existing Line Item, or delete a Line Item as the change is being made.

Parts List Changes

This tab identifies the (BOM) Line Item, Part Number, and Ref Designators that have changed.

Comments of Change are automatically generated based on the change made.

Parts List Changes
Change Order Impact List

Impact List

The Impact List displays all of the Open Items within the various modules of SimpleManufacturing™ that ‘might’ be impacted by a Bill of Material change. The open items that may be affected are:

Outstanding Orders

Outstanding Work Orders

Outstanding Purchase Orders


A determination must be made to identify which items need to have the change implemented and must be flagged as such. Completing and approving the change order executes the final step of automatically making changes to the items identified.

Change Order Action List

Each Change Order brings its unique action set based on the identified changes.  An unlimited number of actions can be added along with the details of the action required, a responsible party to complete the action, and the completion date.

Single-click operation to send out an Email to the Actionee that identifies the action required and all of the details of the Change Order.

Change Order Action List
Change Order Approval List

Change Order Approval List

Each Change Order also brings its unique set of functional groups impacted. Although a default list of internal parties can be identified for each change order, changes to the approval parties can be made to ensure that all impacted functional groups can participate in the approval process.

Single-click operation to send out Emails to the approval parties, informing them that they have a change order to review. The Email contains all the details of the change order to ensure they have all the information to decide to either approve or reject the change.

Change Order View

Even though the Change Order Review process is electronic, a printable view of the details of the change order is available.

Change Order Printable View

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