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Asset and Equipment Preventive Maintenance Requirements

Preventive Maintenance Plan

Preventive Maintenance Plan

The Preventive Maintenance Plan section is used to define all of the Preventive Maintenance tasks for a specific asset / equipment and the frequency those tasks need to be performed.

Preventive Maintenance Plan View

The Maintenance Plan View is used to view the Preventive Maintenance task, the current repair queue and the maintenance history for each asset / equipment.

Preventive Maintenance Plan View

Preventive Maintenance Task List

Preventive Maintenance Task Selection

Each Preventive Maintenance task needs to be defined. A Task Name, Description of the task, how often the task needs to be performed (frequency) in either days or machine hours, and the estimated hours needed to complete the task.

The task is assigned to a specific party and to another party which is viewed as the back-up or team leader.  The automated email function sends emails to these two parties informing them of upcoming preventive maintenance.

The Email Notification Alert is the number of days before the task becomes due, that the two parties begin to be notified of the upcoming preventive maintenance requirement.

If the task is to record the equipment’s readings, and the data log table is required, the task is marked as  data logging required.

An unlimited number of files can be added to the task.  For cases when organizations have procedures already in place for the task defined, then that procedure can be added as a file.  When the task becomes due, the procedure can be printed out and referenced while performing the PM.

When needed, the PM procedure section can be used as the instructions on completing the PM