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Setup / Personalization Features

Software Setup / Global Settings

Corrective Action Software Setup

The Corrective Action software setup area is used to add your company’s information along with a link to your logo. Once linked, your logo will appear throughout the database and on all of the reports printed.

The Facility List is managed within the setup area, and is used to link a Corrective Action to a specific facility.

The Employee List is also managed within the setup area and is used to populate the Initiator, Recipients and Owner fields on each corrective action record when applicable.

Part Master, Customers, Purchase Orders and Suppliers are all available fields within a corrective action record. If populated and managed in the setup area, users can select from the defined list instead of manually adding the item, which can lead to variations of the same item.

Single-Click Email generation, in a display or send mode, is available throughout the Corrective Action software. Email setup determines how the Emails are created, how they are sent, and the Email server information, when applicable. The Automated Email frequency and times are also identified in this same area.

Report Menu is used to manage the list of reports that are available to users.

The Corrective Action Form Number and Revision is added in the setup section and it is added to the footer section when printed.

Computer List and Release New Version is used to update the computers with a new Front-End version.