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Calibration Records / History

Recording of Internally Calibrated Devices

Calibration Management Software Device Tool Calibration Record

Recording calibration results of internally calibrated devices requires entry of the Date of Calibration, the Actual Measurements obtained, identifying if within tolerance, whether Any adjustments were required and the Result of each measurement.

When all measurements have been recorded and provided a successful calibration, the devices calibration expired date is set to the next interval.

Additional fields such as who performed the calibration, the specification or procedure used to calibrate the device has its obvious benefits.

The Calibration Certificate can be linked to the calibration record as well as any other documents such as the Packing List, Purchase Order and Automated Test Reports provided are possible candidates to link to the record.

Recording of Externally Calibrated Devices

Recording calibration results of externally calibrated devices requires minimal field entry.

Fields such as Date Calibration, Within Tolerance, Adjusted and Result are all that is required to reset the Devices calibration expired date to the next interval, assuming the device passed the external calibration procedure.

Additional fields such as who performed the calibration and the specification or procedure used to calibrate the device has its obvious benefits.

The calibration certificate can be linked to the calibration record as well as any other documents that may be helpful to link for future reference.

Documents such as the packing list, Purchase Order and any automated test reports provided are possible candidates to link to the record.

Calibration Management Software External Calibration Record

Recording of “Out-of-Tolerance” Devices

Calibration Management Software Out Of Tolerance Incident Report
Important system feature: If the “Condition As Found” is out-of-tolerance, an incident record is created.

The incident report identifies the possible impacts on product or services of using the tool since the last known calibration, and documents that the out-of-tolerance condition was properly evaluated and communicated.

The tool’s Calibration Status is not changed until incident report is completed.